Thursday, August 20, 2009

Battling Childhood Obesity at Home

We're battling childhood obesity at home. It's a difficult battle. It's really hot outside, candy & soda are offered by well-meaning people and to top it all, the school has this wonderful watermelon drink. I was fine with it until I heard it was green. If it's real watermelon, wouldn't it be red? Plus, how often do you see watermelon juice? How can you get a child to eat fruits and vegetables without forcing it down his throat? It's taking a lot of time and creativity.

Needing more resources, I turned to I found a Childhood Obesity Health Topic from the CDC. It's full of statistics and strategies. The Department of Health & Human Services has a nice report on Childhood Obesity. Finally, with a lot of useful links, the Alabama Cooperative Extension System's Newsline has published a report about Childhood Obesity.