- A Brief History of Social Security, August 2000
- A Brief History of Social Security 60th Anniversary
- Unemployment and Health Insurance in Great Britain, 1911-1937
- A Brief Explanation of the Social Security Act, 1937
- What You Should Know About Unemployment Compensation, 1937
- Old-Age Insurance Under the Social Security Act, 1938
- Federal Old-Age Benefits, 1937
- The Federal-State Program for Unemployment Compensation, 1936
- Aid to Dependent Children, 1937
- Social Security - What and Why?, 1936
- Public Assistance, 1936
- Selected List of Social Security Publications, 1936
- Annual Report of the Federal Security Agency, section six, 1946
- Social Security Handbook, 2001
- Childhood Disability
- Careers with Social Security
- fast facts & figures about Social Security
- Social Security Bulletin